Thursday, June 16, 2011


Welcome to my fixed blog of Tamaheaven!!! ( I messed up the first try.....) Okay nothing is really happening in the United States.  Japan on the other hand is or has let out a new version of the Tamagotchi LCD and called it Tamagotchi id.  They have a varity of colors and type, some have a crown or special desigins,others 
This is the green Tamagotchi id. (Picture not mine)
are plain and normal.  If you are out of the area that sell this little guys.... Okay they're not little but, you should check out eBay, craigslist, or any other site that might sell these cool Tamas. 

Okay I may be way behind because I really get lost in time, but if you haven't visited bandi's Tamagotchi themed page (aka you should, they will tell you about contests, and if you do no have a or the Tamagotchi, they have a link called DemDays and it will give you a list of number's with the location of the demday site, also the state and store.
Well hope you enjoy reading my blog and I will update if I find anything interesting to talk about!
C.C is out! ENJOY LIFE!!

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