Saturday, June 18, 2011

My tamagotchi

Yeah!!! I finally got batteries for my Tamagotchi music star a few days ago and has grown. (including yesterday's growth too)He was only a baby when I redownloaded his information and is a toddler. He is a kuribochi (looks like a acorn) and healthy too!!! If I keep this up, he might grow up to the character I want!!!
Anyways I got a few codes for you all v6 codes for tamatown, they work once every day, and can be used by more than one user!
Mame Tree _____ E27690
Flower Refrigerator_d14981
Memetchi kitchen_____B54523
Basketball hoop___F45247Meme bathtub____T04126
P17377= Spiral mug
P29849= Patchi bed
P39435= Flower bathtub
P45521= Mame bed
Ninja chocolate store
Also some of these codes I looked up and tested, they all work!
Anyways If you want login codes, I will look up some later, for now here is one of my login codes.
 YURI     kuribochi        CBCD844   483A412

Enjoy your day! Buh-Bye!

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